Since the last 1 month, I've been pushing myself to hard = I've been torturing myself to the limit.
Started to realise the situation is very bad when I looked at my 'undone' laundry at home.
I work 7am-9pm almost everyday.
I dont bother of having a day out to relax.
I dont bother to rearrange my closet/things.
I even went to do part time lecturing for 9 hours on Friday and Saturday.
It turned out to be...
Constant headache since saturday...
Sensantion of lights since Sunday morning...but managed to go to Nilai Square sampai petang semalam which I took it as girls day out with my friend...kononnya....!!
Last nite..
My hubby sent me to DEMC after the unbearable throbbing headache...couldn't even cough as that worsen my condition...
The doctor took my BP...there!!
150/103.. Mengucap panjang aku...
I have never have elevated BP before.
I have never experienced systolic reading of more than 120
I have never experienced diastolic reading of more than 80 before
When is that before? 3 weeks ago....
The nurse requested me to lie down for 30 minutes to repeat the BP measurement
She asked me to relax...clear my mind..gave me a synflex 550mg for the headache.
"adik..please inform my hubby yaa..ada kat luar dalam kereta plet BHP dot dot dot dot"
I tried to relax...
I started to imagine me lying at the beach by the seaside...(of course aa beach next to our house?)
Started to see the blue greenish ocean and typical pokok kelapak...(like in the poster...)
Suddenly...I started to think of my
Guess what?
That nice peaceful blue greenish ocean scene changed to a very fierce wave colour teh susu...cehhhhhh!!!!
After sometimes...the nurse came back and take my BP measurement again.
Alhamdulillah dah drop tremendously.
130/97...though the diastolic still high but me and the doctor came to a conclusion that:
-I am too stressful
-I need a day break every week
-I have infection-bad cough for almost 3 weeks now= note that infection will increase BP
Back to the car after the pharmacy - sesi mengambil ubat...
My hubby looked very worry...cian dia..
So I told him nothing to worry....
I'm ok..I'm fine...
At home...
Hubby told me not to think of unnecessary thing like
-that NL yang suka gesa org for urgent meeting when nobody's around....
-students yang takde minat nak blaja...lantaklah depa tu...yg minat je kita layan.....
-have to rethink of me taking the part time lecturing in melaka for the coming semester.....
Me thinks:
-I should control my diet
-I should muhasabah myself - malas solat hajat, malas pose sunat, malas baca quran => padan muka aku
-I should take things hard and think smart....
This morning...
No spirit to do anything
Finally teringat blog ni...
That's y I'm here...
QUOTE of the DAY
Duit bule cari...kesihatan sangat bermakna...jaga diri sendiri sebab orang lain takkan pedulikan kita kalau kita dah flat nanti.....
Syukur padaMu ya Allah kerana mengizinkan aku terus sihat hari ni....
Monday, March 26, 2007
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padanlah everyday akak datang blog ko, x de hapdet rupanya ko x sihat.
epel..take a break, 1 wk and go off for a holiday, u will recover back.
at once, akak penah stress gila, amik cuti, ngan sirman ngan kids pi holiday.
demi diri, and family - move on!
salam kak am,
hmm.akak ni kuat sgt keje/belajar ni.
to be honest,i know nothing more than you do.whatever it is,dont be too stressed out.seriously.
terkejut jgk sy tgk b/p reading 150/103 tu.way too high for a young and healthy person like u.proves that u really really need to have a break.dont be too hard on urself k?
diet pun jaga jgk.dah kuat keje tu,mesti makan jenis rapu2 jer kan?akak akak.cian dia.meh peluk sket meh.hmmmmm.hehe
sy doakan semua sihat2 yer?insyaAllah.take care and mind yourself dear.
haaaa kan adik da ckp kat akak ari tu. akak workaholic. :p adik dulu kerja kat kompeni yg dapat banyak duit. tapi kerja sampai tak balik umah. last-last end up resign dan masuk kompeni yg kasik gaji kurang dari dulu. tapi cukup rehat. last new entry..lama x update tu..huhu..
take a break wit kit kat ok.hehe
thanks to all. Alhamdulillah getting better. Syukur nothing serious...hihihi..keje tetap keje..cuma kena cari masa utk berehat bersama kit kat!!
hi epel.. my 1st comment nih.. hehe
kontrol ur stress jgn biarkn stress kontrol u. :)
smoge cpt2 dpt blk normal BP
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